Ernst & Young, Taiwan

Ernst & Young, Taiwan


Ernst & Young, Taiwan


Tel: 2757-8888

Fax: 2757-6050

9F, 333 Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan, 11012

Accountants, CPAs, Auditors


Company Description:

EY Taiwan refers to one or more of the following entities incorporated in Taiwan: Ernst & Young, EY Management Services Inc., EY Advisory Services Inc., EY Business Advisory Services Inc., EY Transaction Advisory Services Inc., EY Attorneys-at-Law, and EY Cultural and Educational Foundation.

We employ over 1,600 professionals across the island to provide clients with multi-disciplinary assurance, tax, consulting, strategy and transactions and law services. Our main office is located in Taipei, with five branch offices in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung. 

  • Assurance - Our standards-compliance assurance services, financial report audit services, and other value added services help our clients to achieve financial confidence.
  • Tax - We help companies navigate the latest tax policies, provide tax assessment and diagnosis, and address potential tax risks.
  • Consulting - We help organizations manage risks, optimize IT systems, and focus on strategic approaches to continuously improve business performance.
  • Strategy and Transactions - We assist our clients in evaluating, negotiating, structuring, and succeeding in transactions by seizing market opportunities to sustain advantageous position and boost growth.
  • Law - We provide detailed legal consultations and help organizations manage operation, labor, and tax regulations-related legal risks.

Members from Ernst & Young, Taiwan

AmCham Taiwan

Minsheng East Rd., Section 3, #129, 7F, Suite 706 Taipei 10596, Taiwan